
Suggested Price:25.00

Your Contribution Supports Charities

We are one big family of living creatures and we have to nurture this special place where we were born and where we will die. There are groups within our family that I like to support financially, so they can live their lives and we can function in oneness as one big family.

Important to mention about the Umoja Source Meetings (Darshans) is that participants can make a contribution to their own insight and ability. And that if you’re not able to contribute, for whatever reason, it is possible to receive the gift of the Source freely. A certain percentage of all contributions will be given to charities that Keesjan has intuitively chosen. This can differ from country to country. Of course you are always welcome to donate without attending a session.

With Love, Keesjan and the international Umoja World team

Make a donation

Minimum Price:5.00